See also:


The Onedin Line" was an immensely popular British television series that ran from 1971 through 1980. Set in the 1860s, when British naval strength was the envy of Europe, this saga charts the fortunes of James Onedin (Peter Gilmore), an ambitious, clever and determined ship-owner whose private life is more tempestuous than the seas he sails. James is the son of a waterside shopkeeper who has died and left him with no inheritance. With a paltry £25 but a shrewd, business mind, and despite his scheming sister and her husband who run a rival shipping company, James is resolute in starting his own shipping line. James initially marries Anne Webster (Anne Stallybrass) in order to get his hands on a ship, but later finds himself falling in love with Anne. He then swiftly embarks on his rise from impoverished seaman to wealthy ship-owner and founder of The Onedin Line. The combination of boardroom antics, worldwide location filming, impressive footage of genuine historical ships, a memorable score, and exciting seafaring action had British audiences enthralled with this award-winning BBC drama. Also starring Brian Rawlinson, Howard Lang, Jame Hayler, Jessica Benton, Warren Clarke and Jane Seymour.

from the "Era of Elegance"website.

The Onedine Line

Sadly, I had to watch the series in black and white and so have no clue as to the colours of James Onedin's house flag. We see it hoisted on his first ship: dark, swallow-tailed, a broad stripe on the lower edge and a big letter O: stripe and O of a light colour.
Jan Mertens, 15 November 2003

Have a look at the image here.The colours appear to be blue, with stripe and "O" in white.
James Dignan, 15 November 2003

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